The King of the Roman Gods and God of the Sky.
The Greek equivalent is Zeus, God of Thunder.
Jupiter has the shortest day of 9 hours and 55 minutes.
Jupiter have 67 moons.
Ganymede is the largest moon in the solar system.
Jupiter has a Faint Ring System around it.
Jupiter has a very Strong Magnetic Field.
9 Spacecrafts have visited Jupiter so far.
Jupiter’s Great Red Spot is an enormous storm that has been raging for over 300 years.
If Jupiter had 80 times more massive, Nuclear Fusion would have occurred in its core.
Jupiter’s inner core is about the size of Earth.
Jupiter’s atmosphere is made up mostly of hydrogen and helium.
Comet Shoemaker–Levy 9 was a comet that broke apart and collided with Jupiter in 1994.

Other World, New Dimension !

Other World, New Dimension !